:-*very few of civilizations slaves chose the freedom of this walks in beauty way. those who would chose it only after their civilization falls are forced to this choice and are still not free. now is the time to choose freedom. later, slaves only exchange masters by being compelled to only on the death of thier present master-, civilization. this is grandmother coyote . i am sidewinder snake. who are you? sheema shicheen ??? ??? :-\
Hi Grandmother Coyote,
And Hi All,
Right now, I’m wondering if our numbers exceed one person in every 100 000, at least in this so called western world. I might be wrong and it’s higher than that. But I doubt it is more than
one in 10 000. And that to me is still encouraging, because twenty years ago, it was even less than that, perhaps five to ten times less. Of course my figures are based on not much more than a wild guess, and some observation. Plus, I asked a few dozen people and they came up with figures inside that range.
It seems to me that our numbers are nonetheles growing exponentially.
Now, yes, it’s always possible to go and find a place in the bush somewhere and live this
way, alone or in a group if you’re part of one. I’ve tried it myself, but I was lousily prepared,
and so had to come back to civilization. It may be possible for some, I don’t know really.
Of course I’m talking about a way of living that is totally outside of civ’s grip here. I doubt though that such a person or group could go on livivng this way without eventually clashing
with some civilized form of so called authority that would overpower that person or group.
And, in my opinion, we are all still so few, that even if we all did this in many different areas
all around the world, it still wouldn’t quicken civ’s collapse, and most likely, Earth would lose
it’s only true humans who could have made a difference.
On the other hand, I think that we can ruthlessly fight and use all ways possible to reach those likeminded and organize and re-activate those ancient ways of living or create new/old ones which will permit us to gradually, or suddenly if need be, provide for our needs, such as: shelter, sustenance, protection, teaching, healing, and so on…
This, we can start doing right from where we’re at now. No need to wait to live on a communal land, in a community. Find those who are likeminded and build your tribe(s).
And I think it might be wise to look for other tribes and create some sorts of Alliances, Leagues of Free Tribes or something.
I think that as our tribes grow in numbers - and we become increasingly better at providing for all our needs via OUR “society”, even if during this time of transition, some things might still come from civ - so will our power grow as well. And that in turn will pull in more people. It will be up to us to choose who we accept into our tribes.
And as this death-culture gradually or suddenly disappears, so will we take back our place on the land, gradually and/or suddenly.
It wouldn’t surprise me that, in time, we would grow to become 5 to 10 % of the population. And when civilization is totally annihilated, we will represent the total population.
Just my thoughts.
thank you for your response i agree that the work you describe is good and necessary . i also think it does not counter or even wants to counter my statement but augment it. so thank you. still i speak to those who want to head out . we avoid conflict by playing inside the rules . we can now plant back where that was illeagal only a few years ago . we are always integrating with local tribes and we eat rodents and what are described as pest species. in fact ive been the only trouble maker in camp and i am changing thatthank you and come play come away
tranny granny