Challenge for August: Start a Fire

Cold at night? Not entirely sure you want to plug 100% into that system that provides matches and lighters the rest of your life? Guess what? Your and other’s ancestors had lots of ways to start fires by shopping at their neighborhood Forest-Mart.

Have a method of fire-starting you always wanted to use but couldn’t get to work? Or a method you feel you “cheated” a little by using power tools or nylon rope, for examples? Now this month you have a chance to show your anscestors you inherited a little of their ability to start a fire for your tribe too.

Fortunately in summer, it should work easier, so this gives a good time to have a success - and nights still can dip to cool temperatures. If you want to do this challenge, go as primitive or as modern as you want - nice to have a success and learn what it will teach. And feel free to post pictures or link to a YouTube video. If going to do it, post below for motivation!

Good luck all!

Nice! I’m in.

Well I went to town day before yesterday and finished teh bow drill out of completely made materials. I think I got about two attempts before I broke my string. One thing I have learned yet again is that the cordage you make frays much easier than paracord and so unless you are much more careful (or skillful) than I; it breaks when you start to get you spindle going.

I’m in the process of getting the videos of my failures postign for everyone’s enjoyment.