Cascadian Red Huckleberries

On the max today a man came by everybody asking for change, instead of giving some change to the man another man said, “want some huckleberries.” My ears listened closing to the man about his huckles berries while my eyes continued there focus on my yoga book reading. The man asking for change said, “no thanks,” to the huckleberry offer, then the man with the huckleberries said to some guy sitting to the side of him, “do you want some, I just picked them fresh from forest park,” that man also denied the huckleberry offering, and my month began to water to the sound of huckleberries being given away. With that the man with the huckleberries said to everyone, “ANYONE WANT SOME HUCKLEBERRIES?” Hearing this I turned reclusively and ask, “what do they look like?” He showed me the red berries that he stored in a black and white bandanna bag and I and a lady reached out and grabbed a little less than a hand full each and said, “thank you.” I turned back into my sitting pose and began munching on the berries that tasted fresh, ripe, and wonderful. I wanted to return the givingness to the man some how, and then, as we approached the man stop, it popped into my mind. As he began to exit the max I said, “hey, here,” and handed the man two bucks and said, “thanks for the experience.” He existed with the dollars and disappeared from my site as I returned to a sitting pose, reading my book, and continuing my Journey with a happy little smile and red juice on my face.

That’s a cool story.

Hopefully there’ll be more of that kinda thing as civ goes further down the pan.

Ha … I just picked some of those today, in a forest near my house. (they taste excellent)

I picked some yesterday!

[That must be what I saw] I think I saw some the other day as I [was stuffing] stuffed my face with thimbleberries. . . I didn’t know the plant so I held off. The leaves looked like a blueberry’s but sparser, and the plant [was] grew way taller than any blueberry bush I’d seen, and I saw berries both blue & red but couldn’t quite tell which meant ripe. After seeing all these posts about another tasty berry hiding in my woods, I googled red huckleberry and bingo! it matches-- vaccinium–just like blueberries. thanks for the tip guys!

I just went up to Forest Park to gather some the other day and walked up on several bushes with ripe berries and made a worthwhile harvest. I wanted to turn the harvest into a jam but I ended up just eating them fresh off the bush. I also ate, picked and crushed some leaves of the plant for a filling tea for myself later once I returned home. And, visible from various edges of the forest grew the delightful trailing black berry berries that I used grazingly as part of my wild trail mix diet.