Recently I found an intact alligator skeleton at Lake MArtin, a nature preserve close to my home.
Anyway, I am going to try to make some knives,awls, and mabye a super wicked mace and I have some questions.
First, are there proper bones for different things? I was thinking about using the “hip” bones to make punch daggers or fist- hooks**. And maybe a fishing spear head out of the femurs.
Second, is it smarter to try to make the blade size .75 of the original, or smaller? I guess the questions is give me a rough estimate ratio between starting and finished bone sizes.
Last, how the hell do you make a rounded shape? I’ve only been able to sand flats on the throwaway pieces I have been messing with.
I am also planning on using the Jaw for some kind of trap. Maybe make a deadfall where the bottom half goes on the ground, and the top half is the wieghted part that falls down. Kinda like a beartrap.
** I don’t know the proper name, but it is a knife that you hold the same as a punch dagger, but instead of the knife protruding out of the top of your fist, it comes out the side as a hook. Say this a fist ^^, the blade curves out like this :^^u. Kinda shitty description but i tried.