so I made a facebook page for a potential bay area rewild camp and slowly people started coming around. After enough people had joined, i put out the idea of a meet up. several people were interested and we even agreed on a date. no one wanted to put forward a suggestion for a meeting place (i didn’t because i live the farthest away from everyone else and am mostly unfamiliar with the surrounding cities), though someone wanted to meet in a cafe…which didn’t really make sense to me considering the purpose of the group is rewilding… but beggars can’t be choosers, right?
so the date begins to near and still no more responses from my fellow rewilders. it seemed like everyone had disappeared all of a sudden. i posted one last time for a meeting spot, but the date finally rolled around and everyone just flaked. it was pretty lame, really.
maybe it’s my lack of organizing skills, but what could be so difficult about setting a date and place to meet somewhere outdoors and then doing it? i guess i’m just not much of an organizer. i’m pretty disappointed though. maybe it’s better to have a solid group of friends who already share rewilding as a common interest, before actually trying to put together an official group and inviting other people?
maybe people are looking to be “taught” rewilding instead of approaching it as group effort?
i don’t know. ???
i think it’ll be a while before i try this again.