
Speaking of slings, This website tells you all about wearing your baby and even has instructions for making your own carrier.

I like unpadded ring slings the best because of their ease of use. They can also be worn by people of different sizes. I made a couple of different wrap carriers. They worked great for a newborn, but when my child got bigger I found it harder to tie them tight enough. I’ve never had a mei tai (ABC carrier), but I assume it would be the same. Does anyone else have a favorite carrier?

I consider the Ergo Baby Carrier my overall favorite, although there are times when a wrap or sling would work better. I like the Ergo because it snaps on and off, wears on the back, doesn’t strain my back or shoulders. I began using the Ergo when my babies were about 5 months old and continue using it with my now 2.5 year old daughter.

I used a sling instead while I was pregnant with my second, because it didn’t wrap around my abdomen, which would have bothered me. I didn’t even want pants on while I was pregnant, dresses everyday. I preferred a stretchy wrap, long strip of fabric, while my babies were very small.

My sons loved thier cradle board. They tried to get into it long after they were able to. I asked my 5 year old today if he remembered it and he said he did. I asked him why he liked it and he said it felt snuggely.

Before we went on a long walk today he asked if he could get in it. I show it in the begining of my DVD because it was the first deerskin I ever bucked.

How do you make a cradle board?

What advantages does a cradle board have over a sling or wrap?