Arthritis Remedies

A lot of these remedies use wild plants…

“It is claimed that eliminating all white sugar and chocolate from the diet will result in a reduction of arthritic pain after about 3 days.”

Hmmm… I wonder if hunter-gatherers do not experience arthritis due to diet alone?

Grain free diets in general improve joint problems. I’ve had problems with my knees, but since I started the Paleo Diet, I’ve only had problems when I stray from the diet. It has something to do with inflammations.

im quite interested in this. I’ve always had lots of pain in my joints and back (spine ). Also i have had digestive problems for as long as i can remember. Doctors made me eat lots of grains and when i say lots I actually mean LOTS !!!
Needless to say that didnt improve things. Now I have the feeling i could possibly solve two problems at the same time. (lets not get started on my dental situation.)

TimeLESS, I found that my mood went way up and my mind became clearer within 2 days after starting the Paleo Diet. Sometimes parts of my body (like my feet) screamed at me (I think they were inflamed) and now that has all gone away. I feel so, so, so much better.

It takes a while for your gastrointestinal tract to adjust, though… mine still hasn’t figured out what to do, and it has been a week and a half. I’m going to start experimenting with different sources of fiber and different kinds of meat.

More paleo-evangelism…

Alright, get this. Two days ago I got a mild sunburn. I couldn’t believe it. I thought, oh no, my paleo superpower of extreme resistance to burn has gone away. I ask my doctor (a superhero himself) if a spider-bite could make someone photosensitive (I had just gotten one), and he said:

“I know why you have photosensitivity. You take St. John’s Wort in one of the formulas I give you.”

There we go. Paleodiet stays true. Also, my spider bite didn’t swell at all (that goes back to the inflammation thing). Just two itchy pinpricks.

Call me…Weapon X.

p.s. for those of you who haven’t experience the high resistance to sunburn thing, it may have to do with the period of time on which you’ve done paleo…i’ve eaten in accord with the paleo diet since 2001. i can’t remember when my immunities and resistances kicked in.

To add to the advertising a bit more:

I’ve been on the Paleo Diet for a few months now, and like I said my joints don’t hurt when I’m true to it. In addition, an intestinal problem that nearly killed me at age 12 hasn’t bothered me at all, my endurance is way up, as is my energy, and any wounds I’ve gotten heal very quickly. I’ve also thinned out noticeably, though I still have plenty to lose. Simply put, these are the results of eating the diet we’re supposed to.

Maybe we should move some of this to a new thread about the benefits of eating paleo?