Anarcho-Primitivists support genocide

This is a rediculous claim that I have heard numerous times from socialists or anarcho-syndicalists, particularly those involved in the IWW or comment posters on the website.

Their claim is: Because most primitivists believe the human population has been artificially boosted far above earth’s carrying capacity through industrialized civilization, and because most primitivists say collapse should be hastened or at the least that it is inevitable, then primitivists support the “genocide” of however many people it would take to reduce the earths population to sustainable levels.

I’m sure some of you have heard this before, what do you say to somebody spouting something this stupid? Its like trying to argue with somebody who “doesnt believe” in global warming or oil running out, and I don’t like to argue so I usually just avoid people who seem to be idiots.

[quote=“scavenger, post:1, topic:386”]This is a rediculous claim that I have heard numerous times from socialists or anarcho-syndicalists, particularly those involved in the IWW or comment posters on the website.

Their claim is: Because most primitivists believe the human population has been artificially boosted far above earth’s carrying capacity through industrialized civilization, and because most primitivists say collapse should be hastened or at the least that it is inevitable, then primitivists support the “genocide” of however many people it would take to reduce the earths population to sustainable levels.

I’m sure some of you have heard this before, what do you say to somebody spouting something this stupid? Its like trying to argue with somebody who “doesnt believe” in global warming or oil running out, and I don’t like to argue so I usually just avoid people who seem to be idiots.[/quote]
I think Jason called the idea Gigadeath. But that is ridiculous to make the correlation to the genocide of a peoples. Death is a natural process. It is an inevitable consequence of the fall of a civilization. Many will not know how to survive as a direct consequences of the crutches that society hands us.

Others have used the term “gigadeath,” but I’ve never been very fond of that; makes it sound as if ecological overshoot and die-off is somehow different just because it happens to us. That said, you are talking about #5 in 5 Common Objections to Primitivism, and Why They’re Wrong.

Hell, I object to it cause it sounds too much like a crappy electronic game for preteens.

Hmm. This might be a cynical day.

It’s just easier to use :smiley:

I usually like to point out that we really support saving as many people as possible from the upcoming extinction. We simply have low estimates regarding our ability to do so.

Sometimes I think of it like this: There are trillions of possible people out there, who each want to play on earth. Because only so many people can fit on the earth, we must take turns. Today more people have come down to play, crowding the boat, people who refused to wait their turn. In the future, people will have to wait their turn again.

Well gee, I guess I’m the odd one out. I most definately want as many people dead as possible. I am not into rewilding for survival of myself or the human race, it’s just the best choice I have for spending the remainder of my life. I would never call myself an anarcho-primitivist even though I suppose I do fit into that category. In my community I am not alone in these feelings either. Hope for a complete human die off is about as opptimistic as I get.

What, for just plain old misanthropy?

It’s funny to hear a civilized person, who lives in a system that requires genocide of not only humans but everything else, to say to someone who wants the civilied system to stop or will be happy when the civilized system collapses, say that primitivists “support genocide.”

That’s like saying that dam removal supports river destruction. It makes no fucking sense at all. Civilization is genocide. Collapse, and the inevitable die-off of the human population is a function of nature.

What they really mean to say I believe, is “You support nature having control over us?”

What they really mean to say I believe, is "You support [i]nature[/i] having control over us?"

Over other men having control over us? Hell yes. To me nature is a higher power than man, so why subscribe to mans laws, unless you live in the civilization that demands them.

Haha. Yeah. I mean, they only believe that man is somehow “above nature.” They have no control. All they’ve ever had is an illusion that has killed the planet and possibly themselves.

I’m with TrollSplinter in hoping for an end to humanity : ) Personally I think humans are just too resourceful to live in balance with the environment but heres a website that presents some good points.

Your link is broken.

Anyway, I’m fine with anyone who wants to Kill all Humans, provided they start with themselves.

Mind you, vhemt is Voluntary.

Well crap, I just lost everything I just wrote so here I go again. We have reached a ridiculous state of interaction with this planet that sustains not only us but billions of other creatures. Due to our foolishness, many folks are expecting a significant die off and seem to be preparing for it. I am not just expecting it, I am hoping and praying for it. I wish more than anything else that all the other lives on this planet that are threatened by our reckless existance are able to live free of that at some point. I don’t think that a huge die off would show the surrvivors the error of our ways, and make them behave. Denial is an amazing thing, and if just a few “takers” make it, they could rebound much faster than the Earth could properly heal. I love this world, I even love humans, but we have polluted our minds and this planet so terribly. We are damaged goods in my mind. Total extinction is one way this planet I love could possibly recover. I don’t wish for our deaths out of hate and misanthropy. I think death is a beautiful and natural thing, not a terrible fate. It is out of love for life on Earth that I hope our time comes quickly and completely.

you must be a blast to hangout with! ;D

Yeah, we should totally kick it. ;D

So, one culture out of millions goes wrong, and that’s evidence that the whole species needs to go? Is there any life on the planet that can make a cut that pure?

In all common sense and obvious conclusions, a most-likely massive die (but not complete)off will happen,simply due to over shooting carrying capacity and foolish mismanagement of resources.I’m not too down with the whole of humans being wiped from the Earth however.I really feel this is just as romantic of an idea as the notion that technology or religion can save us or the planet.

Many will die. War, Famine, Disease, Natural Disasters… You won’t find me killing them, more likely, you’ll find me trying to help them, trying to help ‘save’ them, I can’t save anyone, but I can, and will, help them, if only they will it. I mean come on, you won’t find anyone trying to force this (rewilding or whatever) down someones throat… just not going to (realistically) happen unless the other person shows willingness, or seeks out something else.

Does that mean I support ‘Genocide’ though? Because I see that it will happen? Would I support genocide less if I chose not to see that it will happen? Because I mean, then it won’t happen right?