A poem

i wrote this poem several years ago when i was about 17 or 18…i read back on it and it rings clear still.

commercial residue seeps into our pores…
bred to subdue?
mass media breathing into us…
pollution circumventing.
are they hinting?

the wait!!!

          expect us wanting...
                merchindise shiny...

is it possible to escape this beast?

advertising giants spinning cash wheels
what …do they feel?

predatory eyes and piles of cash…

will it ever be possible to shatter what cyclic patterns emerge to propagate? with out destroying the state …
that currantly we reside in…

is it all necessary ?millions of dollars in the hands of a few while the rest remain blue from trying to breath through the pollu…

tion…is this industry a gun?
men in suits all having fun???

i sit and marvel at the sun ,when will it come burn every one?

fleeting this moment how aware am i really?are all of these thoughts nothing but silly?to the eyes of many most likely,
but the grip of the cycle is something unsightly
growing rightly ya just cant fight,see

Nice! That would make a killer rap, reminds me of immortal technique or something.

is it all necessary ?millions of dollars in the hands of a few while the rest remain blue from trying to breath through the pollu...

tion…is this industry a gun?
men in suits all having fun???

I especially like that part, awesome rhyme scheme.

your not man in a suit are you??:wink: