A bit of praise to my colleagues at my workplace

A few months back, before I had even hear the term ‘rewilding’, I was researching survival stuff, watching that stuff on youtube etc, and planned on going ‘feral’ even if only for a short time.

I explained to them that I don’t ‘understand’ why we have to work 40 hours a week, shop 1-3 hours a week, work-out 4-5 hours of the week just to survive.

“whats the point in working?” I asked, “progress” they answered, “progressing towards what ?” I replied…

no one could give me an answer…

I’ts now a few months on and as new things around the wordl are showing up about economy and the state fo the ecosystem…

they are now fully understand and support what I’m trying to do…

so yea, thought I’d get that out, if only they would do the same and just start rewilding eh