10 things i did at Urvision 2010

Its been a month already , but nevertheless,
here are 10 things i did or saw at Urvision 2010 a rewild Camp in Sweden.

  1. Deer & Fox Skinning / Tanning /Butchering
  2. Tick Invasion on someone’s leg (hundreds of ticks on his leg wtf!)
  3. Fire Making Workshop
  4. An Awesome Plant Walk! Thanks M. for the great stories!
  5. Beautiful Voices singing at the Campfire
  6. Shooting Stars over a Midnight Lake
  7. Swimming in the Rain!
  8. Discussions on any topic imaginable!
  9. Some really nice forest cooking!
  10. Hang out with some Awesome people that i now have to miss.

until next time!

Except for the tick invasion it sounds beautiful. It’s really necessary to check your body for ticks once a day (Lyme disease). If you have lyme disease Dipsacus fullonum is a good herb.

And what about mosquitos?

Yes Ticks can be really dangerous!

often when people think of the “dangers” of living in the wild they tend to think of large threatening events and/or animals, not tiny little health hazards like these!

Really up north checking twice a day is very much recommended it takes about 24 hours for diseases to transmit so doing it twice instead of just once a day really improves your odds of not getting any disease from them

Personally i have gotten very relaxed around ticks, they dont seem to want to bite me, i even went so far to let one walk on me to see where it would go to bite me (check your ass) but they just dont seem to be attracted to me. Don’t think your as special as me though because the diseases transmitted by ticks are really awful and can be life threatening.

I got some word that Urvision is not going to be happening this year, that the people usually organizing things can’t do it this time. That is a real shame. I haven’t been able to go there cos it’s always been in august and I have been studying, but still I am hoping that I COULD take part in it some year. And who knows what the world is going to be like next year…