So I’ve been reading about e-primitive and trying, as much as possible, to practice it–but I haven’t yet found an explanation about why “to be” verbs require elimination even when used as helpers–in other words, when the “to be” verb indicates a progressive tense distinction (such as in the sentence “I am working”) or a passive voice (“I was pleased to hear from you.”) and not a definition (“I am an artist”). As a helper or passive indicator, the “to be” verb doesn’t affirm Aristotle’s laws of thought, upon which most modern languages are based (1. That a thing is what it is: A is A. This became known as the premise of identity.
2. That anything is either A or not-A. This became known as the premise of the excluded middle.
3. Something cannot be both A and not-A. This became known as the premise of non-contradiction.) Right? Might there exist another unrelated pro-re-wilding reason to eliminate passive sentences and progressive verb tenses?
Thanks in advance for any explanation.
Thanks also for the insightful commentary I’ve read here. I just signed up, and I’ve learned a lot already.