Some books on indigenous North American linguistics

… that deal, directly or indirectly, with how language and culture/thought processes interact, all these books are well worth reading:

Language and Art in the Navajo Universe, by Gary Witherspoon

Flutes of Fire: Essays on California Indian Languages, by Leanne Hinton

American Indian Languages: Social and Cultural Contexts,by Shirley Silver and Wick R Miller

And for those who are really hardcore into linguistics and want something to get your teeth into:

The Languages of Native North America,
by Marianne Mithun

Thank you. I apparently have some reading to do. Sigh. :slight_smile:

Ai have officially bookmarked this page! ;D

I’m almost done with this book “The Spell of the Sensuous” by David Abram, which deals largely with the effects written, phonetic language has had on human experience, and the differences between oral, indigenous cultures and “alphabetic civilization.” A lot of it is pretty interesting.

Hey juniper nice to meet you. I just ordered that book two days ago. I’ve wanted to read it since i heard about it on this site. Can’t wait.