Re: The Panopticon

I don’t get a chance to post much, but come on!

No, they are not watching. There is no panopticon. And most people DO NOT feel that they are being watched.

Limiting e.g. hunting styles is not done because the authorities are worried about people rewilding. It is done as an attempt to protect the commons. The fact that it also rules out a lifestyle that most people have never considered as a viable option is coincidence. Our society’s laws have a basis in Kant’s categorical imperative (If something is the right thing to do, it is the right thing for everybody to do). The imperative is used to say e.g. “If everyone hunted for all of their meat then the game would be destroyed, therefore no one should hunt for all of their meat” and then laws are made to enforce this.


[quote=“JimFive, post:1, topic:1228”]I don’t get a chance to post much, but come on!

No, they are not watching. There is no panopticon. And most people DO NOT feel that they are being watched.[/quote]

I don’t understand, who are you speaking for, everyone???

I could be wrong, but I don’t believe anyone posting here was saying there is literally a panopticon, or that there are specific laws that read:“No rewilding”. I think we are saying that these things exist in theory, not that they were a pre-planned conspiracy to stop us and only us. But that doesn’t make the existence of these laws and the fears that go with them any less real.

I can’t speak for everyone else, but I could never believe that the majority of our laws are based on “Kant’s categorical imperative”, and even if they are, who’s been deciding what “the right thing to do” is?

The fact that it also rules out a lifestyle that most people have never considered as a viable option is coincidence.

There’s more to it than people “never considering it as a viable option.” Civilizations and it’s laws would not want to even see things like rewilding work, because they see them as a threats to their way of life. The underlying desire is for as many people as possible to live their lives to be as much like them as possible. Now, if you can’t see why this is true then why are you posting on this forum?

Thank You, for whoever put this in the bucket, that “conversation” could’ve ended up a giant waste of time :wink: