Hi! I’ve never actually posted a Intro post, even though I’ve had an account for a few years. I’m Jon, and I live on the North Shore of Lake Ontario. I’ve been flirting with rewilding for years, but it’s hard to detach from a civ lifestyle without a community. I have a little knowledge (I read a lot), but little practical experience. Currently, I’m working on trying to start hunting. I bought some land in Northern Ontario a few years ago, but my dreams of moving up there and starting a wildstead have proven much harder to accomplish.
I’m interested in Inter-sectional anti-oppressive practices, Permaculture, Hunting, Foraging, Bushcraft, Green-Anarchy, Intentional communities, Polyamory, and Rewilding spirituality: specifically the animistic and Earth worshiping practices of my own paleolithic ancestors, who lived in “Europe”. Unfortunately, our traditional knowledge has been forgotten, and the oldest (or reconstructed) traditions from Europe worship Deities from the agriculturist cultures that came later, so again I don’t have a community of people to practice with.
Anyways, that’s me. I’m a bit introverted, but I’m pretty friendly. I’m interested in making friends, especially with people who live close enough to meet in real life (Southern Ontario). Feel free to reach out if you think we share interests.