Herbal first aid kit

Anyone have suggestions forthe top 18 herbs for an advanced first aid kit? I’ve already decided on black cohosh, blue cohosh, cannabis, garlic, and sweet gum seeds, plus honey, activated charcoal, and bentonite clay. I need the plants with the most potent properties and/or variety of uses. The uses include muscle, bone, liver, kidney, digestive, and immune disorders, including arthritis, hepatitis, lupus, and hayfever, as well as poison ivy, burns, bleeding, fractures, snakebite, and viral, bacterial, and fungal infection. Activated charcoal and bentonite clay are on the list as well. The herbs must also be effective dried.

Yarrow is a coagulant, so it can stop bleeding. I think it’s also anti-biotic. Of course, Aspirin is in Willow Bark, so as a pain reliever that would be a good one.