Girls Gone Rewild

I am reading a book called Indian Women of the Western Morning, Their Life in Early America and one of the passages says: “Not only the government but American society in general can take credit for forcing Indian women to sell themselves in a final desperate effort to survive, and under no moral standard whatsoever may their actions be defined as professional prostitution.”
It struck me that if you remove the word Indian the statement is just as applicable.

It struck me that if you remove the word Indian the statement is just as applicable.


airique - i think of gender as being something that is pretty fluid. i dont really think in terms of “male” and “female”.

i don’t get pms. mood swings/cramps/digestive upsets are common complaints that come along with menstruation, but they are not “normal”. it is pathological and it means our bodies are out of whack. sometimes that cn be really easy to remedy and sometimes it isn’t. i can tell my period is coming several days before it starts but that’s b/c i can feel a few things change in my UT/cervix. some women feel more creative and become more internalized when they bleed. i dont really get that right now, but i think it probably has to do with my schedule which is not based on my menstrual cycle. people who do not menstruate often have hormonal cycles as well.

What do you ‘really think’? In fact, what do you ‘know’? I know I have an attraction to human-females (which depends sometimes) and not human-males (which doesn’t depend ever). I mean, some females I feel attracted to, yet some not at all, and no males do I feel attracted to.

Congrates! 8) I love the sound of that. Any special hints or tricks you may use to have such results that you don’t mind sharing?


Where did you get this information? Can you provide us with a source? “Common complaints among who or what group”? “Normal”? ???

Personally, I don’t know any human-adult-female that doesn’t menstruate unless, of course, they have gone through menopause.

Thus, again, can you provide with this statement a source of information that we can refer to, because, at least to me, it sounds like your opinion.

I suppose you responded to this quote, which like i said DEPENDS, which I meant "depends on the female, their process, and how they go about it with themselves and others around them.’ To me, I guess I’d feel not so different from you during your time, but, on another hand, menstruating and pmsing women who talk about their time and wow at every passing moment of it can cause me to get a feeling of separation and difference from them, especially when they say something like, “you can’t even began to understand.”

I’ve heard that the more athletic one develops they have less bleeding and time menstruating altogether, and at the same time I’ve heard the more “couch-potatoeish” one lives one gets more bleeding and more time menstruating than the athletic and fit ones. Hmmm, where did I hear this!? I don’t remember from who or what exactly. I’ll have to get back to you on that, if you don’t mind. Anyways, in some ways it makes perfect sense to me, 'cause I see all types of stuff going undesirable to us when we don’t take care of ourselves and turn towards a more sedatary way of life.

From what I understand it is very common for athletes of all types to completely LOSE their periods. I’ve been a ballet dancer for much of my life and I’ve learned that most ballet dancers struggle with losing their periods. Severe bone loss is VERY common in older dancers. Runners also struggle with this. It’s really horrifying.

It makes me so sad to talk about this. Women are so out of touch with their bodies and their health. People are so out of touch with their bodies and their health.

I thought I’d add some information about period loss…

"The absence of menstrual periods for three or more consecutive months is known as amenorrhea. When women involved in sports lose their period, the condition may be termed “athletic amenorrhea.” Although the exact mechanism is not known for sure, and may vary from person to person, amenorrhea is associated with one or more of the following:

* low body weight
* low body fat
* physical stress
* nutritional inadequacy
* hormonal changes
* high intensity training
* long duration training

Most often, amenorrhea coincides with decreased estrogen production. Many other hormones are affected as well. Estradiol, the primary form of estrogen found in circulating blood, along with progesterone, affect bone formation and remodeling. A disruption of these hormones is likely to lead to a decrease in bone mass. In fact, low estrogen levels encourage the withdrawal of calcium from bone."

airique - i’m talking from experience and studying western herbs and traditional chinese medicine. i dont know where to send you for references b/c the info comes from various teachers and clinical observations and text books.

there are definetly trends that tend to cause pms symptoms. there should be a differentiation b/w each case, however. they are all different to some degree. i generally take care of my diet and i get enough exercise and i take various herbs when necessary and do moxibustion and acupuncture on myself regularly.

amenorrhea has various causes as well. generally they can be lumped in to “excess” or “deficiency”. deficiency is probably the most common and deficient amenorrhea is something i experienced recently. 4 days of herbs seems to have remedied that. generally speaking if a woman is not getting her period there are pathogenic reasons for this. even if she doesn’t care and it doesnt distress her.

ok. gotta go.