Forum outages

In the event that the forums go down, like they did earlier today, I will put a notice on the splash page (the page you see when you go to

Since we’ve had both the wiki and the forum each go down over the past two days, I’m going to leave the notice up on the splash page to let folks know that there is some kind of issue and that we are looking into it.

I apologize for the inconvenience. In all honesty, I think this is happening because we are getting a lot more traffic that we just weren’t prepared for. The best solution would probably be to upgrade our server. Unfortunately, the budget for that simply doesn’t exist right now.

However, if you want to drop a few coins in Urban Scout’s tip jar, buy some REWILD merchandise, or make a donation to REWILD’s parent company Mythmedia, then the gesture would be much appreciated, and maybe we can get an upgrade. :slight_smile:

It is great to have the forum back! Unfortunately it’s been a bit buggy (on both my computer and handheld) over the last week or two. Links within the forum have been defaulting to the home page, or the forum itself has been defaulting to . I also had been running into problems reloading the page after making a post.

It figure it is going to take awhile to get the momentum of the forum going again, with almost everyone so addicted to FB these days, so I hope that bugs and outages will only be a temporary obstacle to rebuilding our virtual community here.

Hey Monica, yes we are working on it! :slight_smile: