A birthing season for humans?

Many non-human mammals have a birthing season, oftentimes during the spring. Did/do humans having a birthing season? Modern women usually ovulate monthly, so births happen throughout the year. However, did hunter-gatherers by choice, environment, food availability, etc. have a birthing season? Did more births occur in the spring? Or has it always been as it is now.

Or, was contraception/abortion/infanticide more common during certain times of the year, such as when food was scarce.

Knowing we can sometimes, though probably not often, plan the timing of pregnancy/birth, is there a season that best fits the birth of a child, especially amid a collapsing civilization?

Or is it all best left up to the spirit world to decide?

I just found these articles:



Wow! That’s a pretty cool study!

Of course, it’s only a partial answer, but definitely an important one.

Didn’t hunter-gatherers tend to give pregnant women higher access to certain high vitamin/mineral foods (like liver)?

This is great! I wonder about this stuff all the time Dandelion. Thanks for bringing it up here… I’d love to hear what folks think about this stuff.

There is so much remembering of my earthly rythems to do… I don’t know how to flow naturally in so many ways. Most humans are so cut off from all the complexites and subtleties of the natural world… like their skin is in a constant regulated temperature so it never learns how to communicate with the air fluxuations and the seasons. How many things that connect us to the cycles of life have we been cut off from!

The great thing is… we get to relearn it all! Many lifetimes will it take to grow back in sync with all that it means to be a part of the great cycle.

Didn't hunter-gatherers tend to give pregnant women higher access to certain high vitamin/mineral foods (like liver)?

I don’t know! Great question…

The great thing is.. we get to relearn it all! Many lifetimes will it take to grow back in sync with all that it means to be a part of the great cycle.

Many lifetimes indeed. Ah, I am trying to align myself with the many cycles and their rhythm, too! I am so excited that you think about these things as well, Raindance…

Here are some thoughts on timing of birth:

When is a woman least busy during the year (and therefore can afford to relax during the last few weeks of pregnancy and first few of mothering)?

When are men and women separated (hunting season, etc.), and therefore less likely to conceive while apart and/or most likely to conceive upon reuniting?!

During the hunger moon(s) of late winter/early spring, does it make sense to birth/conceive at this time? Perhaps women ovulated when they had the most body fat (fall?) and therefore birthed in summer?

Perhaps the nutrient boost in spring/summer (with wild greens now added to the mostly winter meat diet), decreased miscarriages…

Also, having births throughout the year makes sense when living tribally, so that only one or two new babies and moms need to be nourished/take time out from gathering/etc. at a time.

I think I could go around and around forever on this. Any thoughts? Maybe this is best left up to the children themselves to decide when they want to arrive!

I wonder what real experiences others could share on this topic.

What was/is/would be your favorite season to give birth and why?

for me, winter was my favorite because my feet didn’t swell and in summer, the heat was awful.

I just bumped into this article

Annual Rhythm of Human Reproduction

More about when people are more likely to conceive rather than birth, which may be more important when you think about it.



Annual rhythms of human conception rates (based on a worldwide selection of statistics) were correlated with photoperiod, monthly averages of daily hours of sunshine, minimum and maximum temperature, and humidity... With industrialization, people are increasingly shielded from both photoperiod (by indoor work) and temperature (by heating and air conditioning), which may explain the deseasonalization of the human conception rhythm.