Must-see Media, IMHO

There will be blood - must see…

really? tell me more. high points (with spoilers)?

“There will be blood” is hard to pin down. Hard to explain. The movie tells us a very realistic and very depressing story of a lonely prospector turned entrepeneur and his son. The movie moves along real slow, with beautiful images of the land contrasted by the way the oil-companies and entrepeneurs of that age conquer, divide and exploit that very same land. The detached and “rational” way the main character acts made the movie only come to live more. The main character is a self-made man that claims to hate most other people, and thinks like a true businessmen only in term of competition. His relationship with his son is a center-stage struggle, will he find something of worth beyond this meaningless production or not seems to be a big question. The story also deals with community and religion in a very bleak manner. It seems the characters are lost in the new world and there is no one to guide them, and if there was they wouldnt recognize as such.

These are quite subjective thoughts on the movie, you should really watch it yourself as the movie relies heavily on atmosphere mood and emotion.


I’m very interested in There Will Be Blood now. That sounds like something I could relate well to.

I watched into the Wild again tonight, with my mom. I hated it before but it really affected me tonight. Maybe I’m just vulnerable right now. The scene in LA was different for me this time. I guess I didn’t understand it so much before. I forgot that being out in the world and coming back to even a small Michigan town almost kills me. I can’t imagine what it would be like going from California to that city.

The Eddie Vedder Society cover too… the first thing in weeks to do more to me than Leonard Cohen.

thanks singanothertime for pointing out eddie vedders cover of society to me. I have Into the Wild sitting on my hard disk for awhile already but somehow im holding off. Im listening to the song now and i really feel the moving pictures move inside me. Im gonna watch it soon !

a good film demonstrating some good traditional storytelling is “Ten Canoes.” it takes place among the aboriginals of australia. it’s a story about the ancestors of one particular band… a great compelling and oftentimes funny tale. check it out if you get the chance.

In my teens I watched the film “The Emerald Forest”, which has somehow inspired me to go beyond civilized thinking and more to the roots of where we come from. It´s definitely a must see…it is from 1985 and the plot is in the Brazil rainforest.
Check out:

What about Hook? Watching this again two years ago it hit me strongly.

And who can forget Fern Gully (from around the same time as Hook). I certainly can’t…I watched it so much when I was 10 that I have most of the lines memorized.

“Hard Sun” has been in steady rotation in my iPod for weeks now. Vedder was practically born to do that soundtrack.

For all you Selkie lovers, “The Secret of Roan Innish” is a great movie. Especially if you like Irish music.

INSANELY GOOD movie, you mean! :slight_smile:

jimmy! come baaaaaack! :slight_smile:

just saw khadak, it was good.
it’s about nomadic pastoralists being displaced by a false flag event in mongolia

Watched one of my favorite movies with my niece yesterday. Into the West, not the TV mini-series, an Irish film with Gabriel Byrne. It’s about two young boys who are Travellers (Irish Gypsies). Great rewilding theme to it.

Yeah! Scout used to own that movie. I’ve watched it loads of times. :slight_smile: In fact, you can find an awesome essay online about it, which I blogged about some time ago:

The essay concerns “[the] primary act of imperial (and therefore civilized) violence, that of closing the map, and the quest of the colonized to reclaim their native geography and cultural imagination.”

Anyway, great recommendation Billy.

I watched The Education of Little Tree again the other night. Another great movie with a rewilding theme. The book is really good too.

Orphaned boy in the depression years is sent to live with his grandparents in Appalachia. They live back in the hills. Grandpa is a white guy moonshiner and grandma is Cherokee… you’ll have to find out the rest for yourself.

today i thought about tropical melady .

we talkt about it preparing for a camp. too boys loving each other fears in the nights. a shaman a a tiger. meet the worrior . today civ meet the past myths.

Unfortunately, The Education of Little Tree is a hoax written by a white supremacist with almost nothing authentically Cherokee in it, and is generally despised by actual Cherokee. Giuli wrote a really thorough article about all this a while back, called “The Fabrication of Little Tree.”

Thanks Jason and Giuli. Disappointing, but interesting.

Just watched ‘Snow Walker’ on Hulu, pretty good movie, definitely recommend it.