Collapse news

Wha!? I luv this rain!

I’m wondering what all these cries and denies for more oil is about Oo

[quote=“Neighbor Scout, post:10, topic:630”][quote author=scavenger link=topic=674.msg7676#msg7676 date=1200803170]
if only it didnt rain so damn much there…

Wha!? I luv this rain! [/quote]

yah, in a certain way, the gentle grey days comfort me so much more than the bright, clear sunny skies with cold fast wind like today! the clouds sort of give us a blanket.

but don’t get me wrong, i love our friend the sun, too. :slight_smile:

[quote=“yarrow dreamer, post:12, topic:630”][quote author=Neighbor Scout link=topic=674.msg7697#msg7697 date=1200881548]

Wha!? I luv this rain!

yah, in a certain way, the gentle grey days comfort me so much more than the bright, clear sunny skies with cold fast wind like today! the clouds sort of give us a blanket.

but don’t get me wrong, i love our friend the sun, too. :)[/quote]

I think I could get used to it… eventually… but I love these clear freezing days we’ve been having here in Virginia. :slight_smile:

Well anyone watching the global stock crash happening?

the economic crash? oh thank Pan!

Dude, awesome, we’ve had som weather like that here th last several days. Freezy, breezy, refreshing weather that smells wonderful n bites lips . I got to play wit som frozen over puddle friends who let me slide on eir backs.

ps. to whom this may concern, I know this sounds a lil off topic.

Climate set for ‘sudden shifts’ -bbc news

They argue that society should not be lulled into a false sense of security by the idea that climate change will be a gradual process.

The work by an international team appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal.

“Our findings suggest that a variety of tipping elements could reach their critical point within this century under human-induced climate change,” said Professor Tim Lenton from the University of East Anglia, the lead researcher on the study.

[b]The researchers have listed and ranked nine ecological systems that they say could be lost this century as a result of global warming. The nine tipping elements and the time it will take them to undergo a major transition are:

* Melting of Arctic sea-ice (about 10 years)
* Decay of the Greenland ice sheet (about 300 years)
* Collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet (about 300 years)
* Collapse of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation (about 100 years)
* Increase in the El Nino Southern Oscillation (about 100 years)
* Collapse of the Indian summer monsoon (about 1 year)
* Greening of the Sahara/Sahel and disruption of the West African monsoon (about 10 years)
* Dieback of the Amazon rainforest (about 50 years)
* Dieback of the Boreal Forest (about 50 years)[/b]

Don’t worry guys, i know obama will save us. dont forget to vote. :smiley:


ONE YEAR?!?!? That is the scariest shit ever. Oh, Jesus.

Don't worry guys, i know obama will save us. dont forget to vote. :D
:::just posted a new thread about the Democratic primaries::: HEY! You shut up! Stupid-face! :::cries:::

Food riots caused by rising prices across the world:

Today, people are drawing so much water from below that they are adding enough of it to the oceans […] to account for about 25 percent of the annual sea level rise across the planet
Soaring global groundwater depletion bodes a potential disaster for an increasingly globalized agricultural system, says Marc Bierkens of Utrecht University […] If you let the population grow by extending the irrigated areas using groundwater that is not being recharged, then you will run into a wall at a certain point in time, and you will have hunger and social unrest to go with it," Bierkens warns. “That is something that you can see coming for miles.”
(American Geophysical Union.)

“Is ‘Peak Oil’ Behind Us?”

“The I.E.A.’s stance that 2006 will be the year global supplies of conventional oil reached their ultimate peak is a more pessimistic take than its previous assessments. In 2008, the organization projected that conventional oil production would continue to slowly climb for several more decades.”

I think this should have made front page news around the world. Peak Oilers had said IEA put out silly numbers and they still say these numbers betray an overly optimistic outlook.

I don’t know where these two fit into perspective, but they do indicate to me civilization may very well not move West one last time.

Eerie Chinese Ghost Cities

“The truth of this situation is that these new cities and developments are money pits. Even though the properties sit completely vacant and ready to be lived in, occupation is not fiscally possible because they are in fact still born cities; created without the possibility of sustaining themselves. And so a bubble in the economy is formed.”

China sees inflation jump to 5.1%, a 28-month high

Certainly eats into the Chinese economy’s 10% growth, a number the other story adds some qualifications to.

Struck me today, if indeed collapse comes in my lifetime, I’ll experience exactly the same strong feelings people have felt several times before during the previous collapses over thousands of years. Kind of put in perspective a brief feeling that reminded me of standing on the Titanic the moment it starts to lean unnaturally and the band keeps playing.

Arab protests/revolutions have made it into the mainstream news recently. Food prices made the talking points of every protest, along with joblessness. (My uneducated theory goes the Mayan elite intensified temple building just before collapse to give the unemployed mobs jobs.) Video from Cairo of protesters beating back police on an apparently important bridge:

One report said Mubarak left the country already, and the army took over from the police but hasn’t enforced the curfew. The government turned off 90% of Egypt’s internet to make organizing protests more difficult but that doesn’t seem to have stopped much.

On the other end of the spectrum, Sterling Allan, editor of, seems to have taken up the position of top researcher for another Dues Ex Machina to keep Civilization growing [temporarily] after Peak Oil. This article claims cold fusion energy generation has worked and will go widespread within a couple years. Now that really causes grief to me!

As “Limits to Growth” points out, if energy limitations relax, pollution, water levels, arable land or other factors can lead to a harder collapse.

Kinda doesn’t matter how fast it comes for me; it’s not fast enough.

You know, the “green” car proponents are always talking some technology that makes things “ooo green, my favorite color! And so efficient!” and such, always touting higher mpg as this stupendous thing.

What they always, always either forget or neglect to mention is the fact that the car, no matter the technology created to use for fuel, always uses more to manufacture in the first place than it will ever consume in its foreseeable life.

It’s not the mpg that matters, its the materials. How much oil was used to mine the raw materials? How much to transport the ore to the furnace? How much to smelt them? How much to do the actual build? How much is used in the form of plastics? How much in the nylon and polyester? How much in the transport to the dealer? I’d venture a guess that all that will far outweigh however much you spend going to the grocery store that 6000 times the car might be subject to before you junk it.

Peak is past; lets just hope I can get out of Florida and into an area I know before I have to trade my car for a pair of shoes!


Group warns EPA ready to increase radioactive release guidelines

The EPA wants to dramatically reduce their standards for “safe” levels of radiation in food and water. No one would know about that ahead of time if not for an NGO using Freedom of Information Act.

Personal opinion: Too conveniently right as concern about radiation from Japan rises. Read this yesterday, and it just really hit me it sounds like actions elites usually take way past the Point of Diminishing Returns, on a complex society’s downside of its growth curve. Covering up facts hoping growth will return - I would do that rather than deliver the truth too in their position.

Forgot the key information that elevates this EPA change from disgusting Nuclear Energy Industry/Political corruption, to Collapse News, in my mind:

“Under long-established EPA policy, in conformity with long-accepted international standards on “acceptable” amounts of radiation these proposed changes would increase the permissible amounts of radiation to levels where 25% of those exposed to these “new acceptable levels” would develop cancer based on the EPA’s own numbers.”

I have a hard time imagining how 75% no-cancer can get an “ok” from our environmental watchdog.

Edit: what I mean to say: imagining the EPA saying “only a quarter of people will develop cancer is OK with us” sounds incredible. That doesn’t sound like the situation is OK at all. I can’t imagine a stable (or growing) society saying a place is OK if only 1/4 of its inhabitants develop cancer from eating food, drinking water and breathing air there. But I can imagine a collapsing society trying to save administrative costs by trying to change that behind people’s backs, and can imagine an angry populous.

EU Secretly Authorizes Emergency Order Allowing Large Increase of Radiation in Food

This excerpt from a Mike Rivero adds that Canada just decided to stop testing food for radiation. He suggests these sudden decreases in official fear of radiation imply lack of safe food, and so occur to protect the elite from food riots.