Rewilding our Relationships with Domesticated Beings – PART 3 – “LIVESTOCK”
(Beings from whom we take flesh, blood, milk, and eggs; fibers such as bone, skin, feathers and fur; waste for fertilizer, and use for other purposes such as manipulating plant growth through grazing practices).
Here are some questions to get the conversation started - please add any others you can think of!
*what does your current relationship with “livestock” look and feel like? Is it direct, or indirect?
*what might transition culture look and feel like in the contexts of these relationships?
*what might rewilded relationships look and feel like? (further down the path of transition - future goals)
*what types of personal or cultural ethics and values should be considered?
(spiritual? religious? concepts of “right” and “wrong”? peace and nonviolence?)
*thoughts about the ways we use the terms "livestock” vs. “pet” vs. “companion / family member”?
*thoughts about the concept of “ownership”?
*should other than human animals have “rights”?
*is it “right” to keep animals in captivity to serve our purposes?
*what responsibilities might we have toward domesticated beings during the transition toward wildness?
*what types of practical considerations should be addressed?
*what about the effects our domesticated “livestock” have from an environmental / ecological perspective?
*when we look at the relationship between civilization and the practice of agriculture, does rewilding require that we abandon this relationship? Phase it out? Trace our steps “backwards”…?
*how does “animal agriculture” fit into your personal path of rewilding? into the path of a community or larger group?