I think you see failure when you have hiearchy, when only one person is really getting the benefits out of more than one partner. A harem is simply civilization taking it’s wildest fantasies for a ride.
It’s easy to allow yourself one partner; it’s harder to allow your partners more partners. I think a lot of the failed experiments come when this has not been dealt with.
I’m not in an actual relationship with anyone, really. That helps, not having commitment, just knowing that so-and-so will be there for me, always, no matter where I am at in my life. And this is great, because then I can be asked by so-and-so if I’m with anyone, and if I’m available, it’s like boyfriend-in-a-can, ready-to-go person of trustworthiness and sexual satisfaction.
I think the idea for me is to never stop loving anyone, to never withhold any love I have ever cultivated, no matter what. Because through my dating life I haven’t stopped loving anyone, a lot of these women are still in my life. WE still love each other, and regardless of our monogamous experiments, the love is still there, the care is still there, the relationship remains mostly intact.
I find myself supporting the women in my life by helping them see through the mental barriers they build up for themselves. I try to be emotionally satifying through my understanding of who these women are. I’m so glad I’ve gotten all the sex and more than a person could desire in this lifetime, because now I can focus within a relationship what matters more; feeling like someone really gives a shit about who you are.