Master Cleanser/Lemonade fast

Aha, discipline as well as reversing harm. Thanks.

Plains, I took a baby step today and bought some Zep. I will soon be a headbanging fool. :slight_smile:

Reading about all this makes me feel rather weak. I donā€™t think Iā€™m one who could really voluntarily go without foods, even if it does sound sensible sometimes.

That is good too. All good music is good. I think Iā€™ve just slain the E-Prime users of this forum :smiley:

As well as those whoā€™d prefer you use more descriptive words than ā€œgood.ā€ :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

Are there really people who use only E-prime for the whole forum (not just Sandbox)? That would be an interesting challenge to exploreā€¦

I thought Urban Scout, Willem, and Wilderix did the majority of the time at least. There are others I canā€™t immediately name.

K, thanks. I might try that.

How did this thread go off in so many directions?? Let me attempt to answer that:
Through lemonade, we fast and cleanse our bodiesā€¦
Through E-prime, we abstain from static labels and cleanse our mindsā€¦
Through heavy metal, we abstain from abstaining ā€¦ and itā€™s not always clean ;D

haha! nice!

well. I just got a food service job so i donā€™t think I will be able to do this fast for a while, after I work there for a while and see if I would be able toā€¦ one good thing about this job, though, is I get health insurance option after working there two months! the bad things is that itā€™s a job!

Recently (actually, yesterday) somebody told me that the best music to play to plants so that they grow up big and strong is heavy metal.

Maybe plants are angry, too? :smiley: I would be ā€¦ >:(

maybe it has something to do with the vibrations of the music being stimulating to the plants, or something. Itā€™s an interesting topic. I notice that plants grown and cared for by myself turn out much better than my last housematesā€™, and I think it is in part because I didnā€™t have a job, spent a lot of time looking at them/caring for them, talking to them, etc. while they all had jobs and spent very little time with the plantsā€¦ I think things like this definitely have an impact on plantsā€¦

iā€™ve done the master cleanse and it worked really well for me. i do it every few months.