Okay first of all I have to lay down a few bases, 1. my reason for using the bible in ‘rewilding’ 2. The bible is about a Kingdom, not a religion 3. the whole genesis/dominion/caretaker thing 4. Cain and Able and what -should- be learned from that.
First of all I was raised Catholic for about the first 10 years of my life, then my mom remarried a mormon, so I met with a mormon church for a year or two… (but honestly did NOT understand some of the stories they told, and never became a mormon), and then we started going to a universal church where y’know they talk about Buddhism, meditation, a lot of Native ‘religions’, Hinduism, energy, crystals, we’d have drum circles, do all this stuff, etc. etc. It was actually kind of interesting even though my little Catholic self seemed to scream against it. That’s what a Catholic upbringing does to you. When that all stopped we stopped the whole religion, church stuff in every direction, by this time I was probably starting high school, and then got myself into atheism, Anarchism, Communism, witchcraft, Asatru, Runes, y’know, harry potter. Then a recently met a man (and the way I met this man to me is a rather large 'coincidence) who was talking about the ‘Kingdom of God’, and in my mind I kept seeing how it related to rewilding, and thus I was finally able to relate to the Bible. Now my biggest purpose in rewilding the bible, or relooking at the bible, because the bible itself is neither civilization, nor primitive/tribal culture, (but we might be able to see which it favours…), is that I feel that it can provide me with both the direction NOT to take to lead to civilization (in rewilding, remember how we can’t go back, but we can go forward, but perhaps its best to look back and see where everything went wrong?), and the legal ability to escape civilization and the ‘Kingdom of Man’ in favor of the ‘Kingdom of God’. Especially in our ‘civilized’ countries where we have our ‘freedom’ of religion. This takes religion to a political scale, no, not using the bible to influence politics… but using the bible in a way politics can understand, This is in effect what Jesus did, he didn’t come talking about a religion, he came talking about a Kingdom. And it should be noted that the Roman empire, was the closest example to the Kingdom of God that man could understand, it was the first empire that worked like the Kingdom of God worked… which might be why Jesus came during the Roman empire… See the purpose of the bible is not to create civilization, it’s about Kingdom. I hold a strong difference between the two. It’s hard I believe for people living in modern day democracies to understand the bible unless one understands a Kingdom. Okay basis #3. The dominion/caretaker, So Gen 1:26 says let US make man in our image… and let them have dominion. Okay in the bible dictionary, I find two definitions for let.
Let - To prevent, hinder, impede, or restrain
To allow or leave someone to do something.
So it appears we are allowed but also restrained and hindered from it as well. Though I am sure much less so now.
Then man is told to be fruitful, multiply, fill, dominate and subdue the earth. And behold everything on the earth was given to man… Okay second creation, and we don’t have one without the other, because it’s obvious having one without the other is a serious cause of hardship, as I shall explain. Man is told to ‘dress’ and ‘keep’ the garden. What is the garden? Basically it’s the paradise of God. So yeah these words are HEB for till, and w/e, basically lets, say work. Okay now, I don’t think Man first picked up the bible, realized he had ‘dominion’ over the earth, and then began agriculture, and began to destroy the earth. If we take the raw form of Man, without the bible, does this raw form, still have the ability for dominion over the earth? Does this raw form have the ability to work, to till, to care for the earth? I’d say so. So what’s wrong? I’d say in civilization, we have one but not the other. Lets put it to a ‘rewilding’ analogy. Lets say I go, and use some materials from the earth, and make a bow, dominion right? But how did I make the bow? Through work. So I used both dominion, and work, the two things man has been told to do, to create the bow. The raw material that makes me, has the capability to do this. Or like native peoples making a boat, etc. So what in civilization has man lost? Well, one of two things, we have some men who have ‘Dominion’ or rule, ownership, etc over land/earth, and some who work it. So some have one, and some have the other, the problem is, there are very few that have the land AND work it. Which I think, is what many people want to do on this site.
Now I want to relate this to the Kingdom a bit… in a Kingdom, the King owns the land, and the citizens work it, and are via citizenship entitled to use the ‘crown land’. It helps to note that one of the main goals of the Gods plan is to create a Kingdom of Sons. Not servants, if we were just servants we would just work the land. This raises the status of Gods Kingdom over the Kingdom of Men to me. So in this way, Gods goal is to create a Kingdom of Kings, Sons liable for the land. I mean okay natural ‘disasters’ come and destroy parts of the earth, and I’d say has many uses… But if you are liable for something, and you destroy the entirety. and the person who gave you the item comes back and finds out what you’ve done with it… I say what we’ve done with the earth is hardly God’s intention. If you want to say that man then shouldn’t have ‘dominion’, well whatever, but whether via God, or evolution, or w/e, this raw form of Man has the ability for it, and to deny that… well yeah… so sure you can say, no we don’t have dominion over the earth, don’t use it, don’t, w/e… well, sure this would halt the destruction of the earth, but then you may as well wipe man off the earth, I mean, look at how many different things we look at using, making, infusing, etc. here on this site. So perhaps that’s one of the reasons WHY man is on the earth, to see all the wonders of the earth, all the discoveries, the laws, and various uses from the ‘raw material’ of the earth. So really, its in the way its used. And I’d say it certainly has not been used well. Certainly we have made many scientific discoveries, and certainly these have often not been used well. So maybe it’s -our- purpose, us rewilding, to put this to a different use (perhaps of appreciation), and not to partake and use, the misuses that destroy the planet. Remember Liable, I’d say no one owns the planet, but we are all liable for it. The natural disasters, and the other animals, are NOT liable for it, while they do function, and do fit into the scheme of things, one would do well to note how each animal fits into it, this remains what man does well. Back to the Garden thing, put the earth like a garden, God’s garden, that man is liable for, (I’d also say man might be liable for the well being of his fellow man, another thing civilization has utterly failed and misused (because it can’t)). If I made someone liable for a Garden, and they mow half it down and build a shrine (city) to their greatness (or even greatness in my name), well… they might find me a little pissed. If I came back and the garden was still growing, because it had been tended in a sustainable way, yeah…
So what might this whole tree of Good and Evil and Tree of life be? Well first of all I want to point out that the tree of life, I see as a tree for man, and was taken away, when man ate from God’s tree, the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. Hence God said, if you eat from this tree, YOU WILL SURELY DIE. So what does the serpent say to eve, YOU WILL NOT SURELY DIE (if you eat of the tree), you’ll just be more like God… So if God’s Tree was not taken away, but man’s tree was, I’d say we are still eating to this day from God’s tree. And as Quinn says, WE NEED TO STOP. What might This tree represent? Good/evil, honestly I think it represents Judgment. If you know the difference between good/evil than you will judge (and act) accordingly. Now Jesus talked about the whole bind/loose on earth, bind/loose in heaven thing, (Greek lock/unlock), I think this deals with three things mainly (but their could be more), Judgment, and forgiveness are only need mentioned.
Did Jesus not say…
Mat 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
Mat 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
This all relates to how man through Jesus, can quit eating at Gods tree which causes the world this harm, and eat at the tree given to him… that of life… instead of eating from the tree of death…
Okay enough of that I’ve typed enough, onto Cain and Able.
I really don’t get why man has not learned more from this story… I think the religious folk seem to take this just as a story, and not something where one can gain something from.
Taking this from wikipedia… (and I’d inquire anyone to look up more on this…) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abel
According to Genesis, Cain and Abel were the first and second sons of Adam and Eve, born after the Fall of Man. Cain is a farmer and Abel is a shepherd. God (called YHWH) accepts Abel’s sacrifice but not Cain’s, and in response Cain kills Abel. God curses Cain to wander, but marks him so that others will know not to kill him. Cain later founds a lineage and a city.
Modern scholars suggest that the story may have been based on a Sumerian story representing the conflict between nomadic shepherds and settled farmers.
Okay so Cain is marked, sparing his life, forced to wander (which he then settles down, builds the first city, which, also collapses on him). So I mean, it quite seems Cain is what we should not be? And yet I’d say this is quite the land of Cain… Able is looked at as the first martyr, kind of like Jesus, yada yada, actually this might be important, if Able is akin to Jesus, might it be better to follow his path, like that of the nomadic shepherd, than that of the settled farmer? HMMM looks like another thing this ‘Christian’ civilization has failed at. Actually lets call it Christianity of Cain. So here, we have the bible favour the nomadic shepherd, over the tiller of the ground, but, it might seem that God favours Cain because he curses him with the mark that no man should kill him. Well… I hold that that should still be taken to us rewilders, not to kill the farmer… not only because of course we’ll be hunted down… but then we’ll act as Cain did (the farmer does), and thus a vicious cycle.
And so perhaps this may result in why Cains way becomes more popular… farming, cities… because one feels afraid of death, and Cains mark seems to spare them from this… le sigh…
Oh also to note: the ‘walking with God’ it’s not, tilling the ground with God, or ‘settling the land with God’… but walking, I kind of like that, it fits my nomadic-ism-ness
Okay just my thoughts… -rewilding the Bible-