Hey Eriol, welcome to the site. Please introduce yourself in the introductions forum before posting.
I'm confused about a lot of things on this blog
To clarify, this site is not a blog, it is a forum. A blog is an individual or group web-log. This site is a web-forum; a place where people chat and discuss topics.
how can one rewild without spending time in the wilderness?
The confusion here may lie in your definition of wilderness.
How can truly re-indigify with out unplugging--at least for a while--from computer/tv screens, books, recorded music, etc.?
Can you specifically quote anyone on this site who suggested not unplugging for a little while?
Another thing I'm confused about is the definition of civilization here, but that, perhaps, is another thread.
I suggest you continue reading the site before posting on about that. Many threads here discuss that, but in general, I will send you to two links for that:
A Short History of Western Civilization
The Nature of Cities
I know that *I* feel very different when I'm not around it.
I feel better in some ways when I don’t use these tools, but I also feel worse in other areas.
Time alone in quiet natural areas definately deepens my feelings towards the earth. But that time does not alone create a culture. I take what I learn from those times and build something from those experiences. This site is about those experiences, but also the building that they inspire.
And why don't more folks on this blog advocate more time away from "civilization"?
I don’t see civilization as location. I see it not a physical space, but a social space. It lives in the physical world and takes up physical space, and is marked by its physicality, but “wildlife” continues to ignore and adapt to cities. Rewilding is about spending time away from civilization as a social & mental space, more so than reclaiming the physical spaces we call cities. Most people go try and live in the wilderness, but they fail because they take civilization with them. It is more mental than physical. Sites like this exist to explore the mental aspects since they seem to be more pertenant. I can teach anyone how to make a bow-drill fire in 30 minutes; I can’t deprogram their civilized minds in the same amount of time, because changing our perception is a different beast than learning hand-crafts and plant id.
And please don't misunderstand me--I'm not asking these questions to be contentious.
I have to say, when someone jumps on a thread without first introducing themselves and does not first engage in light conversation here, and is worried people may find their first post contentious, it either means they need to read more or this site is not the place for them. Please read more through the threads before posting again, and perhaps you’ll find this is not the site for you.