Thanks, Willem, “verb championer”.
The difference feels so astounding between the mental pictures those headlines create. I think I noticed it first with the “tour” one. I pictured a couple of deer on vacations, Hawaiian shirts, cameras, sunglasses–a very Far Side image. The “run through” one seemed pretty close to reality, although I imagine deer would have a difficult time running on waxed floors. But the “rampaging” one (thank you, MSNBC) sounds like they burst into the hospital, brandishing M-16s, with bandoleers over each shoulder and grenades clipped to their flack jackets, ready to gun down the nurses and blast the gurneys to smithereens. The bear, on the other hand, merely “wandered” in and ended up getting rampaged.
Civilization has turned into the cliff that the lemmingish population of other mammals must careen over.