Anarcho-Primitivists support genocide


[quote=“grog, post:40, topic:386”]Who here believes in preventing the destruction of “western civilization”? That is a “cultural group” many of us might destroy maybe if we could do it quickly with say… just a word. I certainly believe a few of you would not. But I feel most of us would. Because that’s not possible why pose the question?
I do not propose killing anyone who doesn’t mean me harm. If you do maybe you should go join E.L.F. and leave us to undomesticating ourselves in peace. I think those has-been lefty (or righty) anarchist movements are worried in their hearts that we won’t like them and feed them acorn mush while the statists all die a slow miserable death. They maybe right. I have my family and friends to worry about. It becomes impossible to help others if you diminish yourself beyond the point of recuperation. So NEVER let their talk make you feel guilty. Help who you want and forget the rest just like a mother wolf. Help out of love and never guilt. Love yourself fully and let it spring forth like an artesian well.
Am I out of line here?[/quote]I couldn’t agree more. Great post, and excellent name by the way.

Hi, I’m new.

Just wanted to offer the biological perspective here. When any species exceeds its carrying capacity, the tendency is much more often a rapid drop in birth rate than an actual die-off. Change in nature happens fast, but not so fast that everyone will be wiped out in one fell swoop. Especially when we are referring to a dilemma of global magnitude.

I foresee humans fleeing inland to flat, hot, unproductive, shadeless lands destroyed by biofuels production,etc., and are unable to nourish offspring and pregnant bodies. I do think mass violence is likely to be a huge factor but can’t stomach the ultra-apocalyptic we’re-all-gonna-die-in-one-day stuff - perhaps too bible-y for my likings?

hell, short of global nukes, i can’t even imagine the ultra-apocalyptic we’re-all-gonna-die-in-one-day scenario

i agree, a massive drop in birth rates is likely, tho they may be buoyed for a while by attempts at agriculture. maybe.

dirty thirties? how about plague, monetary confidence crisis, World War III, political riots, massive food shortages, drought, famine, cyclic catastrophic adjustment, “It’s for your own good”, “Move along. Nothing to see here.”

Caldera eruption, comet strike, solar storm, 200000 year axis shift, nuclear holocaust…

Trade wars,rationing, price controls, rolling brown outs, black outs…massive triple digit inflation…

Microwave bombs, Chemical and or biological warfare, dirty bombs, refuge camps, wandering hoards of skinhead cossacks and juju warriors.

Going to the Mall, on the other hand paints such a rosy picture. I asked my brother Steve, today, why he never goes to the mall. He said " I consider the mall like a museum to modern ultra consumerism, I just walk around and go WOH! LOOK AT THAT."

but that stuffs not in one day

but in the context of it being ‘bible-y’ neither is the bible.

[quote=“Fenriswolfr, post:47, topic:386”][quote author=jhereg link=topic=414.msg5859#msg5859 date=1194621918]
but that stuffs not in one day


but in the context of it being ‘bible-y’ neither is the bible.[/quote]

touche :smiley: